To The
Genesee County Drain Commissioner
Surface Water Management
Genesee County Drain Commissioner
Surface Water Management

NPDES Phase II- Storm Water Ordinance

ORDINANCE TEMPLATE (DATE 2/4/14)Opens a new window.
The New Construction Standards subcommittee has created a storm water ordinance (dated 2/4/14) and has recommended the accompaniment of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual. (developed by SEMCOG)

The County Design Standards & Requirements (2019) are the new design standards adopted by the Drain Office. these standards reference the LID manual for BMP's to help meet the water quality requirements. NOTE: as a community you only need to adopt requirements A, B, D and E to meet NPDES ph II requirements. Requirement C is the GCDC-SWM flood control requirements.

Entire Manual

Low Impact Development Manual for Michigan: Opens a new window(PDF, 21.27 MB)

Manual Chapters

Manual IntroductionOpens a new window (PDF,6.0 MB)
Chapter 1Opens a new window: Introduction to LID (PDF, 877 KB)
Chapter 2Opens a new window: Stormwater Management in Michigan: Why LID? (PDF, 964 KB)
Chapter 3:Opens a new window LID in Michigan: The Key Determinants (PDF,2.5 MB)
Chapter 4:Opens a new window Integrating LID at the Community Level (PDF,1.2 MB)
Chapter 5:Opens a new window Incorporating LID into the Site Design Process (PDF, 526 KB)
Chapter 6:Opens a new window Nonstructural Best Management Practices (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Chapter 7:Opens a new window Structural Best Management Practices (PDF,7.8 MB)
Chapter 8:Opens a new window Implementing LID in Special Areas (PDF,1.4 MB)
Chapter 9:Opens a new window Calculations and Methodology (PDF,1.4 MB)
Chapter 10:Opens a new window Michigan LID Case Studies (PDF, 865 KB)
Appendix A:Opens a new window Statewide LID Committee (PDF,32 KB)
Appendix B:Opens a new window Glossary and List of Acronyms (PDF, 350 KB)
Appendix C:Opens a new window Recommended Plant Lists for Best Management Practices (PDF,1.5 MB)
Appendix D:Opens a new window Recommended Materials (PDF, 361 KB)
Appendix E:Opens a new window Soil Infiltration Testing Protocol (PDF, 412 KB)
Appendix F:Opens a new window Maintenance Inspection Checklists (PDF, 357 KB)
Appendix G:Opens a new window Stormwater Management Practices Maintenance Agreements (PDF, 618 KB)
Appendix H:Opens a new window Model Ordinances (PDF,1.6 MB)

www.ClearGeneseeWater.orgOpens a new window